
Oldsmobile Cutlass

August 14, 2016 @ 2:56 pm Coloradoride 4,508 views 24 pictures Centennial, CO
New lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to completeNew lower price - Restoration project - no time to complete
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Numbers matching 1964 Cutlass 2 door restoration project. Have 100% of the parts to complete the car. which have been carefully marked. Strong runner with a solid body. Only the drivers & passenger floor pans need attention. It has the 8-cyl. 330cid/290hp 4bbl engine, AC & automatic transmission. I purchased the car a few years ago, it drove strong and decided to restore. Unfortunately, I've run out of available time to complete the restoration.

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13% under 8k

29% between 16k and 24k

38% between 24k and 32k

4% between 32k and 40k

17% over 32k

* These values are based off the 24 1964 Cutlasss that have been posted on this site.

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