
Oldsmobile Cutlass S

May 17, 2015 @ 9:15 am web source 5,106 views 8 pictures Des Moines, IA
1969 Cutlass S1969 Cutlass S1969 Cutlass S1969 Cutlass S1969 Cutlass S1969 Cutlass S1969 Cutlass S1969 Cutlass S
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1969 Cutlass S. Running, driving classic. Looks like an older restoration with a lft qtr replacement on an original car. Showing 71,000 miles? Rocket 350 with a 350 turbo tranny and factory air. She's showing some age but this is really a pretty straight old, running driving car in her everyday underwear. I didn't want to patch it up and try to hide anything. Other than a little cleaning this is just the way I found her. Solid floors and frame and everything is there right down to the Factory Mags. Located in NE Iowa $6,800.00

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14% under 5k

25% between 10k and 15k

22% between 15k and 20k

23% between 20k and 25k

14% over 20k

* These values are based off the 167 1969 Cutlass Ss that have been posted on this site.

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