
Oldsmobile Cutlass SX

September 10, 2016 @ 9:13 am web source 4,373 views 3 pictures El Paso, TX
1970 Cutlass SX1970 Cutlass SX1970 Cutlass SX
We’re sorry but while this car may still be available, this ad had expired.

Original Posting: vendo o cambio por pick up. mi cutlass sx con el motor 455 modificado placas al corriente título limpio e importado fronterizo motor y transmision funcionando
Falta poco para terminar el proyecto

Google Translate: sell or exchange for pick up. my cutlass sx with the modified plates clean and imported current title border 455 engine and transmission engine running
A short while to complete the project

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Comments 1

75 W-30 H/O posted on September 10, 2016, 3:34 pm
Buick portholes? I hope those are just taped on and not drilled. Ugly as hell but a good project.
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26% under 7k

22% between 14k and 21k

10% between 21k and 28k

22% between 28k and 35k

16% over 28k

* These values are based off the 50 1970 Cutlass SXs that have been posted on this site.

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