
Oldsmobile Rallye 350

November 11, 2024 @ 6:37 am web source 1,968 views 16 pictures Calmer, Canada
1970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 3501970 Oldsmobile Rallye 350
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Rarely seen 70 rallye cutlass, new heater core , hoses , belts ,plugs, wires ,cap ,points ,tune up during safety inspection, rebuild carb ,rad hoses ,breaks ,steering, drive shaft and so on . This is a car from Idaho , no rust and the under side is vary good. Not a concourse restoration but you can be proud to drive it . Not number matching but 70 motor and trans.

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Condition1.6 (15)

Rarity1 (17)

Price/Value 1.75 (12)

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10% under 7k

27% between 14k and 21k

28% between 21k and 28k

25% between 28k and 35k

7% over 28k

* These values are based off the 67 1970 Rallye 350s that have been posted on this site.

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