Canadian cowl tag info
Body & Interior
This is a Canadian 1968 Cutlass S tag. It shows the colour as QQ. I haven't found anywhere that confirms the colour. Can anyone translate the info for me?
I've never seen QQ before for 68OldsmobileHave you gotten the GM if Canada documents on the car? They will tell you what the color is. It's very possible that it's another GM color.Oshawa produced all GM BOP lines and I think they produced chevy there as well.
Thats very usual and I'm a sucker for the odd and unique. I guess maybe very similar to the Jade Gold color? Does the car have any of the original paint on it?
I think you may be correct on the paint colour.Yes actually it is 90% original paint. I just picked it up last week and it does need a little work but it seems to be all original and complete. The vinyl top has been removed before i got it and that area has a coat of black paint to seal the area.Just got it safetied. Plated tomorrow, but wont see the road again until spring.
The gentleman's name is George Zapora.I believe thecost is a little over $100.
allyolds68 wrote:
The gentleman's name is George Zapora.I believe thecost is a little over $100.
Its about $125 and its well worth it to just get the history behind it all.
Thanks for the info. Like I said before, I just picked up this car and there are dozens of this that I would like to do. I will have to make a priority list.