Power Seat Couple Installation Assistance/ 1986 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Brougham


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I'm seeking any and all assistance as to the process of installing a 'seat couple' for a power seat motor in a 1986 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Brougham. To begin, I brought my vehicle in to an automotive shop to have the SES light checked due to an intermittent issue of the light being activated. I only wished to have the codes flashed to determine the problem. However, the mechanic broke the seat couple, not telling me and apparently kept the broken piece whereby there would be no evidence. My car is a show vehicle being the lead vehicle in the motorcade at the 100th Anniversary Oldsmobile Celebration in Lansing in Lansing, Michigan 1997. Video is present on YouTube.

I cannot remove the bolts to the rear,due to the bench seat being stuck in the far back position, in turn covering the seat rails. The bolts in the front appear to be removable. Is there any way to remove the power seat motor with the seat in place? I ordered a part (GM 20614175) 'Seat Couple' with hope of the part fitting. Can I slide on the seat couple with the seat in place. A brief video was uploaded to YouTube to shown the area of concern, along with some still pictures. Any and all information is very much appreciated.

* SES- Service Engine Soon Light


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