
Oldsmobile Cutlass

May 20, 2018 @ 10:50 am web source 10,722 views 15 pictures Columbiaville, MI
1968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 3501968 Oldsmobile F85 W-31 Ramrod 350
We’re sorry but while this car may still be available, this ad had expired.

The price is $500,000 that is not a typo. 1 of 38 built, extremely rare!! Factory built drag car. This may be the only car like this left today. Better than new condition. See the ad published by Hagerty here. https://www.hagerty.com/articles-videos/Articles/2011/10/05/Independent-Agent-Rick-Mundays-1968-Olds

If you are looking to own possibly the last surviving original Old's this is a must see car. It completely speaks for itself. Meticulous attention to detail from the bottom up.

The vehicle was featured in the August 1968 issue of Car Craft magazine. See the following link. http://backissues.com/issue/Car-Craft-August-1968

4-speed with a bench seat, original untouched interior in pristine condition.

Only serious inquiries.

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User Ratings

Condition1.22 (37)

Rarity1.62 (39)

Price/Value 1.97 (31)

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23% under 7k

29% between 14k and 21k

30% between 21k and 28k

13% between 28k and 35k

6% over 28k

* These values are based off the 172 1968 Cutlasss that have been posted on this site.

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