
Oldsmobile Cutlass

February 12, 2018 @ 6:44 am web source 6,723 views 12 pictures Cinncinnati, OH
1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe1971 Olds Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe
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This is a numbers matching car with 76000 on it this is one of only 4339 produced this year it has a 350/350trans.I have the orginal wheels with dog dish caps and radial white wall tires I have the orginal steering wheel the car has new Rev Classic wheels with 17"x8" w/225/50/17 Nitto tires and 17"x9" w/275/55/17" Nitto tires on rear this car is in great shape it won first place in 2007,2008 and 2014 at Olds.Nationals I have the Build Sheet,window sticker and manuals I would like to trade for pre 49 Hot Rod or a 55 - 56 -
57 chevy 4 door

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User Ratings

Condition2.6 (5)

Rarity1.88 (8)

Price/Value 3.83 (6)

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12% under 5k

26% between 10k and 15k

19% between 15k and 20k

23% between 20k and 25k

16% over 20k

* These values are based off the 236 1971 Cutlasss that have been posted on this site.

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