
Oldsmobile Hurst Olds

May 10, 2015 @ 8:14 am web source 4,887 views 9 pictures Weston, NE
1983 hurst olds 15th aniversary1983 hurst olds 15th aniversary1983 hurst olds 15th aniversary1983 hurst olds 15th aniversary1983 hurst olds 15th aniversary1983 hurst olds 15th aniversary1983 hurst olds 15th aniversary1983 hurst olds 15th aniversary1983 hurst olds 15th aniversary
We’re sorry but while this car may still be available, this ad had expired.

I am selling my classis rare car due to medical problems. runs great lightning rod shifters new tires all original but the spoiler have original one that goes with it and an extra chrome red striped rim & tire interior needs minor work and paint has inperfections . serious buyers only. drive anywhere. Needs a good buffing Nada classic car values its 10100 fair.

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4% under 4k

29% between 8k and 12k

35% between 12k and 16k

25% between 16k and 20k

7% over 16k

* These values are based off the 72 1983 Hurst Oldss that have been posted on this site.

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