Work Pic

Anything Goes

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Rick Santelli about to go live from where I work. I talk with him on a regular basis. He's a real car guy. Has like 4 Lincoln Droptops. He showed mea pic of him actually painting one of his cars. Cool dude. I'd say he's about the only one who actually says true things about the mkt and all the BS going on with the government cheating the average Joe out of his retirement and job,etc. He wears Cowboy boots to work! Image title


Compare the pic with Rick to what used to be. Thousands of jobs lost to electronic trading. More efficient? Maybe. Certainly less personal. Nowadays if you have a problem with an order you own it. There is NO getting out.Image title


Reinventing myself to the electronic world. It sucks. No personalization. Humanity is gone in this business. I will prevail however. Then I can run my stuff from Fla! Hopefully my income can stay the same. Three in college. I don't need to say more. Goll dang it, this place ROCKED! It's like a graveyard now.

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