How Boring is NASCAR?

Anything Goes

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They held a race today. Where was it? I have no clue. The stands were half empty and the infield as well. The cars are all the same. They should let the builders innovate to the point where the cars can be differentiated. Like the old days. Now, cookie cutter cars racing at the same speed around, and around, and around. I went to the first 4 years of Chicagoland and then stopped going because it was even more boring live. I used to ride my cycle out by the track. It's used so sparingly I can't figure out how they make money from it. Went to a Nationwide series race 2 years ago and it was 20% capacity. They'd better do something, because it WILL go away.

I read that without the sports contracts the cable companies sign onto your cable bill would be half as much as it is now. It comprises that much of the bill.


I was a big track and field distance runner and will even admit that I even find watching people racing around a track can get boring. Back when I lived in KC and worked for Sprint, I did get free tickets to one of the NASCAR races there so I figured what the hell and went with my wife. To be quite honest, it was actually a lot of fun. Being able to bring in any food and cooler of any drink you want is definitely something you don't get to do at other events. Whether it was the event or just the fact I had a cooler of beer with me... I had a good time that day.


You should have seen the firestorm when in the first few years at Chicago they wouldn't let people in with coolers. There was a mountain of coolers at the entrance. I mean a mountain! It's the Chicago way. The vendors have to get greased. I think they starting letting folks in with their beer because attendance was suffering. It still is. I met people there from surrounding states who were incredulous that they couldn't bring their stuff in. And to add insult to injury, beers were like 8 bucks for a twelve ounce cup. Typical Chicago. Attendance is WAY down at NASCAR. I heard that corporations used to scoop up large numbers of tickets and gave them out. Now, you can even get a ticket for Bristol which used to be a big deal.

Joffroi wrote:

I was a big track and field distance runner and will even admit that I even find watching people racing around a track can get boring. Back when I lived in KC and worked for Sprint, I did get free tickets to one of the NASCAR races there so I figured what the hell and went with my wife. To be quite honest, it was actually a lot of fun. Being able to bring in any food and cooler of any drink you want is definitely something you don't get to do at other events. Whether it was the event or just the fact I had a cooler of beer with me... I had a good time that day.

Ah the long distance runner. I ran 800yard , miles and some 10k races during high school and shortly afterwards. Not as exciting as some events , but one falls into the groove one does well at. I only came in last once. Short indoor track. I was used to doing 2 laps for the 800. I led the race for the first 2 laps. Then realized there were 3 more to go. Still remember getting spiked in the back of the legs and calves. That did not happen again LOL

I have some rabid , never say die nascar fan / friends. They DO like some tracks better / best than others. As do I. A couple have done the school and then go drive classes. That sounds like lots of fun . But spendy.


I did the drive at the racetrack at Disneyworld a while back. I think my top speed was 130ish with an average of 120mph. I was the first driver in the group. I got in and fired the car. I was thinking, "My street car has more power than this thing!" At the time I was driving a modified 03 Cobra Mustang. 475 to the tire. I chased the lead car around and found it to be like driving on the highway. I got out and a lot of guys were asking how it was and were very animated. I didn't want to burst their bubble so I said it was really cool. It wasn't. I really like drag racing although I'd be very hard pressed to name any of the top drivers. I go to 66 every year. I never miss the Top Fuel even though that is cookie cutter as well. Pro Stock? Forget about it! All within a tenth in qualifying. Booooring!!!!!!!!!!

I remember seeing a post on a site that said in essence, the poster really liked the new stickers on the Dodge cars! Stickers? WTH! They're all the same damn car!

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