68 vista cruiser

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its got a 350 rocket but not sure if its the original block #395558 2, but this is where i got lost heads are 7a; think 7a heads did not show up till 1972 and really cant find much info on 7a heads also where can i find a rear original year rear bench seat, any info will be greatful for this is my first classic car and new to researching parts and auto history.


Finding out if you have the original engine is actually pretty easy. The engine number is found on the front drivers side. Its a little hard to describe over text. But its usually under where you engine heads are stamped. Below is an example of of what it looks like (from 68 442). If you need more help finding the location, I'll dig up more pictures.

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ok thanks!! ill check it out, i just found out the eng on drivers side are 7a heads the pass side are 5 heads -_-


Here is another picture that might show a little better where you should be able to see the engine "vin". You don't need to take off the heads to see it, but depending on your car you may need to shift a bracket or just get light in at weird angles. Again, this is the drivers side front of the block.

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Edit: This picture below makes a lot more sense.

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nice ah i see ill be able to find thank you

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