
Oldsmobile Cutlass

July 04, 2017 @ 7:37 am web source 8,970 views 11 pictures Northeast, IA
1969 Olds Cutlass W311969 Olds Cutlass W311969 Olds Cutlass W311969 Olds Cutlass W311969 Olds Cutlass W311969 Olds Cutlass W311969 Olds Cutlass W311969 Olds Cutlass W311969 Olds Cutlass W311969 Olds Cutlass W311969 Olds Cutlass W31
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This is what I believe to be a True W31 without buildsheet. It has many tell tale signs as being correct down to the TY 4:33 12 bolt rear end to the 29255 UD Carburetor with accurate date code. This car started life as a code 69 Platinum Silver 2 door Sport Coupe 4 Speed (1 of 106 W31!) The original engine and trans are long gone. It does have a later model Olds 307 with overdrive trans with new Dual exhaust for now. I do have a Lansing built 69 Olds 350 long block as well. The car has new aftermarket bumpers and nice rubber with restored wheels. The car looks much better in pictures! But gets a lot of looks! It has typical Midwest rust on rear quarters bottom of fenders rockers doors etc. floors are not bad but have a few areas that would need attention. I encourage anyone interested to come take a look and decide for yourself if it is right for you. Keep in mind car needs and deserves a total restoration.

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16% under 5k

27% between 10k and 15k

23% between 15k and 20k

15% between 20k and 25k

17% over 20k

* These values are based off the 206 1969 Cutlasss that have been posted on this site.

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