
Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme

July 01, 2015 @ 8:23 am web source 8,451 views 7 pictures Mesa, AZ
1972 Oldsmobile Supreme (442 clone)1972 Oldsmobile Supreme (442 clone)1972 Oldsmobile Supreme (442 clone)1972 Oldsmobile Supreme (442 clone)1972 Oldsmobile Supreme (442 clone)1972 Oldsmobile Supreme (442 clone)1972 Oldsmobile Supreme (442 clone)
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Call for details. Pls do not make offer over phone without even looking at car. Big block (rebuilt) car, yes it runs n drives, the body is very straight, the ONLY rust is in trunk-not rotted. Has fiber glass 442 hood- damaged but repairable. Has 442 grills. I also have 442 back bumper that needs to be rechromed-not on car. The car is equipped with w-30 exhaust manifolds and tic toc tach. Floor shifter conversion started but needs cable-still on columb. New carpet, new windshield, Has sport steering wheel. Dual flow master exhaust w/ h pipe. Needs interior $6,500 firm.

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14% under 6k

33% between 12k and 18k

30% between 18k and 24k

15% between 24k and 30k

8% over 24k

* These values are based off the 220 1972 Cutlass Supremes that have been posted on this site.

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